El Diario, Vivir en la ciudad plataforma, cuando tu móvil ayuda a transformar el lugar que habitas, by Luis de la Cruz, 23rd April 2024.
El Hombre, Desbravando Novos Mundos: Top 10 Livros Para Gamers, by Camila Nogueira Nardelli, February 2023.
El Espectador, Los efectos de la gig economy, 15th January 2024.
Urban View Radio, Sunday Civics, interviewed about work, by L. Joy Williams, November 2023.
Rebel, 'Tearing Down the Cubicle: Organising with Gen-Z office workers', by Nathan Ó Broin, 2nd October 2023.
Outras Palavras, 'No MTST, a soberania digital de que fala Morozov', by Rafael Grohmann, 1st September 2023.
Il Manifesto, 'Zona Warpa, festa ribelle', by Matteo Lupetti and Giulia Martino, 19th August 2023.
Klasse Gene Klasse, 'Wohin geht die Arbeit? Anmerkungen zur globalen Arbeiter:innenklasse', by Paula Varela and Gastón Gutiérrez Rossi, 8th August 2023.
Jacobin Italia, 'Il gioco dello sfruttamento', by Bill Peel, 1st July 2023 (Italian translation).
Jacobin, 'Gamification Is Exploitation', by Bill Peel, 25th June 2023.
Ideas de Izquierda, '¿Hacia dónde va el trabajo? Apuntes sobre la clase trabajadora global', by Gastón Gutiérrez Rossi and Paula Varela, 18th June 2023.
Satsaid, 'Satsaid lanza la encuesta para trabajadores de videojuegos en Argentina', by Gremiales, 12th June 2023.
Carmilla, 'Videogame e conflitto sull’immaginario', by Gioacchino Toni, 24th May 2023.
Tech Smart, 'Why the video game industry got serious about unions', by Abraham, 19th May 2023.
Morning Star, 'All to play for', by Scott Alsworth, 17th April 2023.
Colombia Informa, 'Rappi compra empresa brasileña, pero no paga seguridad social a sus empleados', 12th April 2023.
Repórter Brasil, 'Trabalheira #16: Quanto ganha e como é o trampo de quem joga videogame por profissão?', 30th march 2023.
CGTN Radio, 'Balancing economic growth and worker protection in China's gig economy', 7th March 2023.
The Asian Labour Review, 'Overcoming the Limits: A Conversation with Jamie Woodcock on Platform Research and Organising', 13th March 2023.
The Star, 'How "crunch" time and low pay are fuelling a union drive among video game workers', interviewed by Brian Contreras, 2nd February 2023.
France.tv, 'Twitch: Merci pour le sub', interviewed for the documentary, 3rd November 2022.
Joystick.com.gr, 'Game Worker Solidarity on Joystick: “Most gamers don’t know what our working conditions are like and that’s by design”', interviewed by Στέλιος Αναγνωστόπουλος, 31st of October 2022.
Truthout, 'The Gaming Community Is Fed Up With Corporate Greed and Ripe to Be Mobilized', interviewed by Michael Corcoran, 21st of October 2022.
New Money, 'O stafie bântuie piața muncii: ascensiunea inteligenței artificiale, spaima că roboții vor elimina milioane de joburi', by Romulus Deac, 20th October 2022.
Jacobin, 'The Pentagon Loves First-Person Shooter Video Games', by Laura Bartkowiak and Brian J. Sullivan, 19th of October 2022.
tirto.id, 'Faedah dan Bahaya di Balik Live Streaming', by Arif Abdurahman, 16th of October 2022.
Wired, 'Success on Twitch No Longer Comes on Twitch', interviewed by Will Bedingfield, 3rd of October 2022.
Developpez.com, 'Lorsqu'un professionnel de l'info automatise son travail, qui devrait en bénéficier ? Lui ou son entreprise ?', by Stéphane le calme, 6th October 2022.
Efsyn, 'Υπάρχει μια αναζωογόνηση του συνδικαλισμού στη βιομηχανία των βιντεοπαιχνιδιών', by Τάσος Τσακίρογλου, 17th of September 2022.
The Observer, 'Revealed: UK fast fashion staff deprived of pay by jobs agency', interviewed by Shanti Das, 27th August 2022.
LAW360, 'Unions Look To Level Up With Video Game Worker Campaigns', interviewed by Tim Ryan, 25th August 2022.
Business World, 'Gig economy poised to take off', by Reynaldo C. Lugtu, Jr., 5th August 2022.
Diário do Centro do Mundo, '“Games podem desafiar o neoliberalismo”, diz ao DCM sociólogo que liga Marx a videogames', interview by Pedro Zambarda de Araujo, 27th June 2022.
People Management, 'Are your employees really working from home?', interviewed by Dan Cave, 26th May 2022.
The Grocer, 'Deliveroo-GMB agreement: who is it helping the most?', interviewed by George Nott, 19th May 2022.
BBC Radio 3, Between the Ears: 'Noise', interviewed, 15th May 2022.
Drops de jogos, 'Folha entrevista sociólogo, que fala sobre o papel da esquerda no mercado de jogos', by Pedro Zambarda, 12th May 2022.
Titulares, 'La izquierda debe competir por espacio en los partidos, dice investigador – 08/05/2022 – Tec / Brasil', by Emerson Demorais, 9th May 2022.
Folha de S.Paulo, 'Jogos nada incocentes, by Ruy Castro, 8th May 2022.
Folha de S.Paulo, 'Esquerda deveria estar no campo de batalha dos games, diz pesquisador marxista', by Daniela Arcanjo, 8th May 2022.
Grocery Gazette, 'As Covid restrictions see life return to ‘normal’, what now for Deliveroo, Gorillas and Zapp?', by Julian Amani, 23rd February 2022.
Teyit, 'Esnaf kuryelerle asistan doktorları ayıran fenomen: “Gig ekonomi”', by Seçil Türkkan, 11th February 2022.
The Grocer, 'Is this the end of the road for rapid grocery’s employee riders?', interviewed by George Nott, 11th February 2022.
Belabored, 'Public Goods, Private Harms with Donald Cohen', research featured, 11th February 2022.
Het Financieele Dagblad, 'De Kluseconomie stuit op de grenzen van de groei', interviewed by Marijn Jongsma, 4th February 2022.
BBC Two, 'The Decade the Rich Won', advised on the documentary, 25th January 2022.
The Guardian, 'Beware the emergency avocado: what does ultrafast delivery really cost us?', interviewed by Sirin Kale, 9th December 2021.
Laizquierda Diario 'Trabajo de plataformas', by Tomas Quindt, 5th December 2021.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 'Bettdecken, Waschmaschinen, Anwälte: Über Whatsapp kann man in Asien und Afrika alles bekommen. Doch die Monopolstellung birgt Risiken', interviewed by Pauline Voss, 11th November 2021.
Daily Beast, 'Netflix Is Getting Into Gaming at the Worst Possible Time', interviewed by Tirhakah Love, 2nd Novemeber 2021.
Outras Palavras, 'Utopia e alienação no mundo dos videogames', by Sam Adler-Bell, 30th September 2021.
Gaceta, 'Videojuegos: todo trabajo y nada de juego', by Sam Adler-Bell, 22nd September 2021.
Agenda Digitale, 'Tiro a segno all’intelligenza artificiale: perché ora tutti la criticano', by Alessio Plebe, 13th September 2021.
Washington Socialist, 'Interview with Jamie Woodcock and Sai Englert from Notes from Below', by Sam DiBella, September 2021.
The Evening Standard, 'Has the pandemic killed ambition?', by Alexandra Jones, 9th of September 2021.
Bir Gün, 'Sağlık ve onur esirgenemez', by Emily Scurrah, 6th September 2021.
UOL, 'Twitch: produtores articulam "sindicato" para contestar app da Amazon', by Carlos Juliano Barros, 10th August 2021.
Dissent, 'All Work and No Play', by Sam Adler-Bell, Marx at the Arcade featured, July 2021.
The Financial Times, 'Death of the call centre? Workers ring in the changes during WFH era', interviewed by Oliver Barnes, 14th May 2021.
Rest of World, '“For them you’re not a human being”: Meet the migrants answering phones for Big Tech', interviewed by Moira Lavelle, 13th May 2021.
Arte, 'Vive le travail', interviewed for a film by Marianne Lère, April 2021.
De Standaard, 'Beursflop Deliveroo doet platformeconomie wankelen', by Pieter Van Maele and Korneel Delbeke, 1st April 2021.
Nieuwsblad, 'Eerste beursdag wordt nachtmerrie voor Deliveroo: hoe is het zover kunnen komen?', by Pieter Van Maele, 1st April 2021.
Bella Caledonia, 'Across Europe, the battle between gig workers and their algorithmic masters is raging', by Ben Wray, 30th March 2021.
elástica, 'Marx na luta por games mais divertidos', by João Varella, 18th March 2021.
Outras Palavras, 'Games, nova fronteira no combate cultural', 2nd March 2021.
O Globo, 'Ideologia, eu quero uma para jogar: estudiosos refletem sobre relações entre games e política', 20th February 2021.
Tech Monitor, 'Why "platform cooperatives" have yet to challenge Big Tech', 17th February 2021.
El País, 'Google se repliega en la batalla por la industria de videojuegos', 12th Feburary 2021.
The Times Hub, 'Google retreats in the battle for the video game industry', 12th Feburary 2021.
Folha de Pernambuco, 'Games prosperam na pandemia, mas ainda não são levados a sério', 11th January 2021.
El Pais, Retine, 'Twitch desafía a Netflix y a las televisiones y asalta el entretenimiento convencional', by Jorge G. Garcia, 6th January 2021. Also available in French in Marseille News and English in Explica.
The Times, 'Is your employer spying on you as you work from home?', 3rd January 2021.
Drops to Jogos, 'Conheça o livro Marx no fliperama, sobre “games e luta de classes”', 20th December 2020.
Welcome to the Jungle, 'Taking on tyrants: UK tech workers unionise for better rights for all', interviewed by Anaïs Brémond, 9th December 2020.
HuffPost, 'Los videojuegos según Marx: Entrevista con Jamie Woodcock sobre el mundo de las consolas', interviewed by Andrés Lomeña, 7th December 2020.
El Pais, 'En portada: Los videojuegos se hacen mayores y desbordan las pantallas', by Jorge G. Garcia, 29th November 2020.
The Times, 'A hard grind for coffee giant’s "gig" call handlers: no sick pay and a fee to work', interviewed by Shanti Das, 1st November 2020.
OutrasMídias, 'A vida dos trabalhadores por um clique', by Tarso de Melo, 14th October 2020.
Your Rights at Work, WPFW 89.3 FM, interviewed by Chris Garlock and Ed Smith, 8th October 2020.
Nolan Live, BBC Northen Ireland, interviwed by Stephen Nolan, 7th October 2020.
Jacobin Brazil, 'Por que a luta socialista nos games chegou para ficar', by Rafael Grohmann, 6th October 2020.
Brave New Europe, 'Digital Platforms and the Pandemic', interviewed by Ben Wray, 31st July 2020.
Medium, 'Comunicação e trabalhadores das plataformas: entrevista com Jamie Woodcock', interviewed by Paula Alves, 2nd July 2020.
TechTheLead, 'Employee Surveillance Software Usage Spikes As Work From Home Is More Widespread', interviewed by Andrei Ene, 19th June 2020.
CNBC, 'Employee tracking is increasingly widespread, and it could be doing more harm than good', interviewed by Adam Isaak, 17th June 2020.
Counterview, 'Self-employed? "Dead-end" for India's 15 million gig workers amidst lockdown', by Sashi Kant Tripathi, May 2020.
Umbrella Studios, 'Will the COVID-19 pandemic fuel a freelance revolution?', interviewed by Roberta Hollis, 20th April 2020.
Wired, 'Gig economy workers have a new weapon in the fight against Uber' interviewed by Sanjana Varghese, 17th February 2020.
Le Nouvel Economiste.fr, 'Ces nouveaux syndicats qui s’en prennent à l’uberisation, l’économie à la tâche et l’externalisation', 17th Februrary 2020 - in French.
Financial Times 'The upstart unions taking on the gig economy and outsourcing', interviewed by Bethan Staton, 19th January 2020.
OneZero 'Uber Delivery Workers in Mexico Are Tracking Thieves Through Google Maps and WhatsApp Networks', interviewed by Martha Pskowski, 11th December 2019.
Motherboard, Vice Italy 'Cosa succede quando l'esercito vuole il tuo videogioco', featured in an article by Matteo Lupetti, 26th November 2019.
BBC 'Bye box: How streaming could kill the games console', interviewed by Chris Baraniuk, 8th November 2019.
The Guardian 'Strike 2.0: how gig economy workers are using tech to fight back', interviewed by Jack Shenker, 31st August 2019.
DigiLabour 'Trabalhadores de Games Uni-vos', by Rafael Grohmann, 23rd August 2019.
Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj, V4: E1 'The Dark Side of the Video Games Industry', interviewed by researchers and provided copy of Marx at the Arcade.
The Guardian, 'London academics criticise 'oppressive' treatment of student protesters', by Mattha Busby, 24th June 2019.
The Verge, 'Robot butlers operated by remote workers are coming to do your chores', by James Vincent, 9th May 2019.
New Statesman, 'Tech workers are organising – and asking what technology is actually for', by Sanjana Varghese, 3rd May 2019.
Quartz India, Interviewed for 'The ugly truth behind being a gig-economy worker in India', by Aria Thaker, 26th March 2019.
Interviewed about Fairwork on Classic FM (South Africa), 28th March 2019.