
Videos, press, and podcasts.


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  • El Diario, Vivir en la ciudad plataforma, cuando tu móvil ayuda a transformar el lugar que habitas, by Luis de la Cruz, 23rd April 2024.
  • El Hombre, Desbravando Novos Mundos: Top 10 Livros Para Gamers, by Camila Nogueira Nardelli, February 2023.
  • El Espectador, Los efectos de la gig economy, 15th January 2024.
  • Urban View Radio, Sunday Civics, interviewed about work, by L. Joy Williams, November 2023.
  • Rebel, 'Tearing Down the Cubicle: Organising with Gen-Z office workers', by Nathan Ó Broin, 2nd October 2023.
  • Outras Palavras, 'No MTST, a soberania digital de que fala Morozov', by Rafael Grohmann, 1st September 2023.
  • Il Manifesto, 'Zona Warpa, festa ribelle', by Matteo Lupetti and Giulia Martino, 19th August 2023.
  • Klasse Gene Klasse, 'Wohin geht die Arbeit? Anmerkungen zur globalen Arbeiter:innenklasse', by Paula Varela and Gastón Gutiérrez Rossi, 8th August 2023.
  • Jacobin Italia, 'Il gioco dello sfruttamento', by Bill Peel, 1st July 2023 (Italian translation).
  • Jacobin, 'Gamification Is Exploitation', by Bill Peel, 25th June 2023.
  • Ideas de Izquierda, '¿Hacia dónde va el trabajo? Apuntes sobre la clase trabajadora global', by Gastón Gutiérrez Rossi and Paula Varela, 18th June 2023.
  • Satsaid, 'Satsaid lanza la encuesta para trabajadores de videojuegos en Argentina', by Gremiales, 12th June 2023.
  • Carmilla, 'Videogame e conflitto sull’immaginario', by Gioacchino Toni, 24th May 2023.
  • Tech Smart, 'Why the video game industry got serious about unions', by Abraham, 19th May 2023.
  • Morning Star, 'All to play for', by Scott Alsworth, 17th April 2023.
  • Colombia Informa, 'Rappi compra empresa brasileña, pero no paga seguridad social a sus empleados', 12th April 2023.
  • Repórter Brasil, 'Trabalheira #16: Quanto ganha e como é o trampo de quem joga videogame por profissão?', 30th march 2023.
  • CGTN Radio, 'Balancing economic growth and worker protection in China's gig economy', 7th March 2023.
  • The Asian Labour Review, 'Overcoming the Limits: A Conversation with Jamie Woodcock on Platform Research and Organising', 13th March 2023.
  • The Star, 'How "crunch" time and low pay are fuelling a union drive among video game workers', interviewed by Brian Contreras, 2nd February 2023.
  •, 'Twitch: Merci pour le sub', interviewed for the documentary, 3rd November 2022.
  •, 'Game Worker Solidarity on Joystick: “Most gamers don’t know what our working conditions are like and that’s by design”', interviewed by Στέλιος Αναγνωστόπουλος, 31st of October 2022.
  • Truthout, 'The Gaming Community Is Fed Up With Corporate Greed and Ripe to Be Mobilized', interviewed by Michael Corcoran, 21st of October 2022.
  • New Money, 'O stafie bântuie piața muncii: ascensiunea inteligenței artificiale, spaima că roboții vor elimina milioane de joburi', by Romulus Deac, 20th October 2022.
  • Jacobin, 'The Pentagon Loves First-Person Shooter Video Games', by Laura Bartkowiak and Brian J. Sullivan, 19th of October 2022.
  •, 'Faedah dan Bahaya di Balik Live Streaming', by Arif Abdurahman, 16th of October 2022.
  • Wired, 'Success on Twitch No Longer Comes on Twitch', interviewed by Will Bedingfield, 3rd of October 2022.
  •, 'Lorsqu'un professionnel de l'info automatise son travail, qui devrait en bénéficier ? Lui ou son entreprise ?', by Stéphane le calme, 6th October 2022.
  • Efsyn, 'Υπάρχει μια αναζωογόνηση του συνδικαλισμού στη βιομηχανία των βιντεοπαιχνιδιών', by Τάσος Τσακίρογλου, 17th of September 2022.
  • The Observer, 'Revealed: UK fast fashion staff deprived of pay by jobs agency', interviewed by Shanti Das, 27th August 2022.
  • LAW360, 'Unions Look To Level Up With Video Game Worker Campaigns', interviewed by Tim Ryan, 25th August 2022.
  • Business World, 'Gig economy poised to take off', by Reynaldo C. Lugtu, Jr., 5th August 2022.
  • Diário do Centro do Mundo, '“Games podem desafiar o neoliberalismo”, diz ao DCM sociólogo que liga Marx a videogames', interview by Pedro Zambarda de Araujo, 27th June 2022.
  •, 'Radnici y oblaku', 6th June 2022.
  • People Management, 'Are your employees really working from home?', interviewed by Dan Cave, 26th May 2022.
  • The Grocer, 'Deliveroo-GMB agreement: who is it helping the most?', interviewed by George Nott, 19th May 2022.
  • BBC Radio 3, Between the Ears: 'Noise', interviewed, 15th May 2022.
  • Drops de jogos, 'Folha entrevista sociólogo, que fala sobre o papel da esquerda no mercado de jogos', by Pedro Zambarda, 12th May 2022.
  • Titulares, 'La izquierda debe competir por espacio en los partidos, dice investigador – 08/05/2022 – Tec / Brasil', by Emerson Demorais, 9th May 2022.
  • Folha de S.Paulo, 'Jogos nada incocentes, by Ruy Castro, 8th May 2022.
  • Folha de S.Paulo, 'Esquerda deveria estar no campo de batalha dos games, diz pesquisador marxista', by Daniela Arcanjo, 8th May 2022.
  • Grocery Gazette, 'As Covid restrictions see life return to ‘normal’, what now for Deliveroo, Gorillas and Zapp?', by Julian Amani, 23rd February 2022.
  • Teyit, 'Esnaf kuryelerle asistan doktorları ayıran fenomen: “Gig ekonomi”', by Seçil Türkkan, 11th February 2022.
  • The Grocer, 'Is this the end of the road for rapid grocery’s employee riders?', interviewed by George Nott, 11th February 2022.
  • Belabored, 'Public Goods, Private Harms with Donald Cohen', research featured, 11th February 2022.
  • Het Financieele Dagblad, 'De Kluseconomie stuit op de grenzen van de groei', interviewed by Marijn Jongsma, 4th February 2022.
  • BBC Two, 'The Decade the Rich Won', advised on the documentary, 25th January 2022.
  • The Guardian, 'Beware the emergency avocado: what does ultrafast delivery really cost us?', interviewed by Sirin Kale, 9th December 2021.
  • Laizquierda Diario 'Trabajo de plataformas', by Tomas Quindt, 5th December 2021.
  • Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 'Bettdecken, Waschmaschinen, Anwälte: Über Whatsapp kann man in Asien und Afrika alles bekommen. Doch die Monopolstellung birgt Risiken', interviewed by Pauline Voss, 11th November 2021.
  • Daily Beast, 'Netflix Is Getting Into Gaming at the Worst Possible Time', interviewed by Tirhakah Love, 2nd Novemeber 2021.
  • Outras Palavras, 'Utopia e alienação no mundo dos videogames', by Sam Adler-Bell, 30th September 2021.
  • Gaceta, 'Videojuegos: todo trabajo y nada de juego', by Sam Adler-Bell, 22nd September 2021.
  • Agenda Digitale, 'Tiro a segno all’intelligenza artificiale: perché ora tutti la criticano', by Alessio Plebe, 13th September 2021.
  • Washington Socialist, 'Interview with Jamie Woodcock and Sai Englert from Notes from Below', by Sam DiBella, September 2021.
  • The Evening Standard, 'Has the pandemic killed ambition?', by Alexandra Jones, 9th of September 2021.
  • Bir Gün, 'Sağlık ve onur esirgenemez', by Emily Scurrah, 6th September 2021.
  • UOL, 'Twitch: produtores articulam "sindicato" para contestar app da Amazon', by Carlos Juliano Barros, 10th August 2021.
  • Dissent, 'All Work and No Play', by Sam Adler-Bell, Marx at the Arcade featured, July 2021.
  • Os laboratórios do trabalho digital: entrevistas, interviewed by Rafael Grohmann, 13th June 2021.
  • The Financial Times, 'Death of the call centre? Workers ring in the changes during WFH era', interviewed by Oliver Barnes, 14th May 2021.
  • Rest of World, '“For them you’re not a human being”: Meet the migrants answering phones for Big Tech', interviewed by Moira Lavelle, 13th May 2021.
  • Arte, 'Vive le travail', interviewed for a film by Marianne Lère, April 2021.
  • De Standaard, 'Beursflop Deliveroo doet platformeconomie wankelen', by Pieter Van Maele and Korneel Delbeke, 1st April 2021.
  • Nieuwsblad, 'Eerste beursdag wordt nachtmerrie voor Deliveroo: hoe is het zover kunnen komen?', by Pieter Van Maele, 1st April 2021.
  • Bella Caledonia, 'Across Europe, the battle between gig workers and their algorithmic masters is raging', by Ben Wray, 30th March 2021.
  • elástica, 'Marx na luta por games mais divertidos', by João Varella, 18th March 2021.
  • Outras Palavras, 'Games, nova fronteira no combate cultural', 2nd March 2021.
  • O Globo, 'Ideologia, eu quero uma para jogar: estudiosos refletem sobre relações entre games e política', 20th February 2021.
  • Tech Monitor, 'Why "platform cooperatives" have yet to challenge Big Tech', 17th February 2021.
  • El País, 'Google se repliega en la batalla por la industria de videojuegos', 12th Feburary 2021.
  • The Times Hub, 'Google retreats in the battle for the video game industry', 12th Feburary 2021.
  • Folha de Pernambuco, 'Games prosperam na pandemia, mas ainda não são levados a sério', 11th January 2021.
  • El Pais, Retine, 'Twitch desafía a Netflix y a las televisiones y asalta el entretenimiento convencional', by Jorge G. Garcia, 6th January 2021. Also available in French in Marseille News and English in Explica.
  • The Times, 'Is your employer spying on you as you work from home?', 3rd January 2021.
  • Drops to Jogos, 'Conheça o livro Marx no fliperama, sobre “games e luta de classes”', 20th December 2020.
  • Welcome to the Jungle, 'Taking on tyrants: UK tech workers unionise for better rights for all', interviewed by Anaïs Brémond, 9th December 2020.
  • HuffPost, 'Los videojuegos según Marx: Entrevista con Jamie Woodcock sobre el mundo de las consolas', interviewed by Andrés Lomeña, 7th December 2020.
  • El Pais, 'En portada: Los videojuegos se hacen mayores y desbordan las pantallas', by Jorge G. Garcia, 29th November 2020.
  • The Times, 'A hard grind for coffee giant’s "gig" call handlers: no sick pay and a fee to work', interviewed by Shanti Das, 1st November 2020.
  • OutrasMídias, 'A vida dos trabalhadores por um clique', by Tarso de Melo, 14th October 2020.
  • Your Rights at Work, WPFW 89.3 FM, interviewed by Chris Garlock and Ed Smith, 8th October 2020.
  • Nolan Live, BBC Northen Ireland, interviwed by Stephen Nolan, 7th October 2020.
  • Jacobin Brazil, 'Por que a luta socialista nos games chegou para ficar', by Rafael Grohmann, 6th October 2020.
  • Brave New Europe, 'Digital Platforms and the Pandemic', interviewed by Ben Wray, 31st July 2020.
  • Medium, 'Comunicação e trabalhadores das plataformas: entrevista com Jamie Woodcock', interviewed by Paula Alves, 2nd July 2020.
  • TechTheLead, 'Employee Surveillance Software Usage Spikes As Work From Home Is More Widespread', interviewed by Andrei Ene, 19th June 2020.
  • CNBC, 'Employee tracking is increasingly widespread, and it could be doing more harm than good', interviewed by Adam Isaak, 17th June 2020.
  • Counterview, 'Self-employed? "Dead-end" for India's 15 million gig workers amidst lockdown', by Sashi Kant Tripathi, May 2020.
  • Umbrella Studios, 'Will the COVID-19 pandemic fuel a freelance revolution?', interviewed by Roberta Hollis, 20th April 2020.
  • Wired, 'Gig economy workers have a new weapon in the fight against Uber' interviewed by Sanjana Varghese, 17th February 2020.
  • Le Nouvel, 'Ces nouveaux syndicats qui s’en prennent à l’uberisation, l’économie à la tâche et l’externalisation', 17th Februrary 2020 - in French.
  • Financial Times 'The upstart unions taking on the gig economy and outsourcing', interviewed by Bethan Staton, 19th January 2020.
  • OneZero 'Uber Delivery Workers in Mexico Are Tracking Thieves Through Google Maps and WhatsApp Networks', interviewed by Martha Pskowski, 11th December 2019.
  • Motherboard, Vice Italy 'Cosa succede quando l'esercito vuole il tuo videogioco', featured in an article by Matteo Lupetti, 26th November 2019.
  • BBC 'Bye box: How streaming could kill the games console', interviewed by Chris Baraniuk, 8th November 2019.
  • The Guardian 'Strike 2.0: how gig economy workers are using tech to fight back', interviewed by Jack Shenker, 31st August 2019.
  • DigiLabour 'Trabalhadores de Games Uni-vos', by Rafael Grohmann, 23rd August 2019.
  • Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj, V4: E1 'The Dark Side of the Video Games Industry', interviewed by researchers and provided copy of Marx at the Arcade.
  • The Guardian, 'London academics criticise 'oppressive' treatment of student protesters', by Mattha Busby, 24th June 2019.
  • The Verge, 'Robot butlers operated by remote workers are coming to do your chores', by James Vincent, 9th May 2019.
  • New Statesman, 'Tech workers are organising – and asking what technology is actually for', by Sanjana Varghese, 3rd May 2019.
  • Quartz India, Interviewed for 'The ugly truth behind being a gig-economy worker in India', by Aria Thaker, 26th March 2019.
  • Interviewed about Fairwork on Classic FM (South Africa), 28th March 2019.
  • Vita Da Call Center, interviewed for Pop Economy, Canale 224.
  • WES 2018: Dr Jamie Woodcock, interviewed for the Work Employment and Society conference.
  • The Australian Financial Review interviewed for 'Does social networking at work boost your company's profits?', by Laurence Dodds, 23rd October 2018.
  • The Telegraph interviewed for 'Social networks at work: democratic or dangerous?', by Laurence Dodds, 23rd October 2018.
  • BBC News 24, interviewed about Uber Eats strike, 4th October 2018.
  • Forbes, interviewed for 'UberEats Workers May Have Accidentally Found The Company's Achilles Heel', by Emiliano Mellino, 4th October 2018.
  • The Atlantic, interviewed for 'The Coders Programming Themselves Out of a Job', by Brian Merchant, 3rd October 2018.
  • Mosaik, interviewed for '“Kein Geld, kein Essen” – Streiks bei Uber Eats', by Benjamin Herr, 25th Sept 2018.
  • BBC Radio Oxford, interviewed about surveillance at work, 17th August 2018.
  • Eurogamer 'The games industry needs unions - and these are the people trying to make it happen in the UK', interview, 8th July 2018.
  • Al Jazeera, TV interview about addiction and videogames, Counting the Cost, 21st June, 2018.
  • Red Pepper Interviewed about work, 18th June 2018.
  • The Guardian Interview about surveillance at work, 14th May 2018.
  • The Guardian Interviewed as part of an article on IWGB and UVW, 18th April 2018.
  • Torcedores Interviewed for a publication in Brazil about Esports, March 2018.
  • Globo News, Brazil, 'Sem Fronteiras: Automação e educação: o futuro do trabalho', TV interview about the future of work, 9th February 2018.
  • Reteconomy TV, Sky Italy, TV interview about precarious work, January 2018.
  • Al Jazeera, TV interview about Uber and IWGB case, 9th November 2017.
  • Al Jazeera, TV interview about Uber ruling, 27th September 2017.
  • Canal Trece, Colombia, TV interview about videogames, September 2017.
  • BBC Radio 2 Interviewed by Jeremy Vine, 31st August 2017.
  • ARTE TV - Grande-Bretagne: l'envers du "miracle de l'emploi", French TV interview about work, 31st May 2017.
  • BBC Radio 2 Interviewed by Jeremy Vine, 5th May 2017.
  • BBC Radio 4 PM Interviewed about call centres, 2nd May 2017.

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