Here is a list of my public talks. If you would like to book me as a speaker, please contact me.
- September 2024, Workers For Energy For All Launch Rally, online.
- August 2024, 'The Fight Against Platform Capitalism: An Inquiry into the Global Struggles of the Gig Economy', Platform Politics and Policy Seminar, Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin.
- August 2024, LSFRC x Red Futures: The Seep Reading Group + Andor Analysed Launch, London.
- July 2024, 'Workers' Inquiry', three sessions hosted by the UTAW branch of CWU, London and online.
- June 2024, 'The Strike Wave in Britain: Understanding How Industrial Action is Changing Today', discussant, LERA 76th Annual Meeting | ILERA 20th World Congress | FMCS 2024 National Labor-Management Conference, New York.
- June 2024, 'Game Worker Solidarity: Mapping Collective Action, Activism, and Organising in the Videogames Industry', with Austin Kelmore, Labor Activism and Collective Voice in the Video Game Industry: Diverse Contexts and New Perspectives, LERA 76th Annual Meeting | ILERA 20th World Congress | FMCS 2024 National Labor-Management Conference, New York.
- June 2024, 'Workers education and workers led research', 3rd LabourTransfer School, Buggerru, Sardinia.
- June 2024, 'Videogames e Luta de classes', Correspondencia: o Futuro em Jogo, São Paulo.
- June 2024, 'Troublemaking', book launch, with Lydia Hughes, University of Oxford UCU, Oxford.
- May 2024, 'Game Worker Solidarity', 9th International Congress of Art, Science and Technology (CIACT) and Digital Arts Digital Arts Seminar (SAD), Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
- May 2024, 'Sociology: Ethics and Technology', Summer school, Fordham University, New York.
- May 2024, The Workers' Committee by JT Murphy, Strikemap Book Launch & Social, Newport.
- May 2024, 'The Work of Play: Gamification from above and below', Gamification and Wellbeing Seminar Day, University of Reading.
- April 2o24, 'The Challenge in Europe: the UK', Employment Status and Social Rights of Platform Workers: Asian and European Perspectives, Royal Holloway.
- April 2024, 'Public workers around the world on strike', Labor Notes, Chicago.
- March 2024, 'Organise Now: Understanding trade union renewal today' Sociology and Politics Seminar Series, Sheffield Hallam.
- March 2024, 'Troublemaking', BUIRA Seminar: At Work and in the Union, with Lydia Hughes and Gregor Gall, University of Westminster, London.
- February 2024, 'The Fight Against Platform Capitalism', Keynote, Resistance and alternatives to platform capitalism, the Centre for the Study of Media, Technology, and Internationalization (CEMTI) and the Doctoral School Social Sciences, University Paris 8, Paris, France.
- February 2024, Enquête militante, Grève et Composition de classe au Royaume-Uni, with Lydia Hughes, Librairie Michèle Firk, Montreuil, France.
- February 2024, AI and the Future of Finance & Work, Panel, Fordham University, London.
- January 2024, 'Trade Union 101', Day School: Palestine, Internationalism, and the Left, London.
- November 2023, 'Gamification', The Seashore of Endless Worlds – Art & jeux de socitété Conversations, Geneva and Online.
- November 2023, 'Troublemaking Book launch' with Lydia Hughes, Voce Books, Birmingham.
- November 2023, ‘The Future of Worker Organising in Higher Education’, Workers’ Inquiry Stream, Historical Materialism Conference, London.
- November 2023, 'Workers' Inquiry and Co-Research: History, Theory, and Practice', CLaSP, Queen Mary, University of London.
- October 2023, 'What Is To Be Done', The World Transformed, Liverpool.
- October 2023, 'How to Organise Your Workplace', The World Transformed, Liverpool.
- October 2023, 'Marx 101', The World Transformed, Liverpool.
- October 2023, 'Troublemaking Book launch', Blackburn Trades Council.
- September 2023, 'Troublemaking Book launch' with Lydia Hughes, Lighthouse Books, Edinburgh.
- September 2023, 'Conversations on Europe', European Studies Center, University of Pittsburgh, online.
- September 2023, 'Troublemaking Book launch' with Lydia Hughes, Barnet NEU, London.
- August 2023, 'Roundtable discussion', The Asian Capitalist Conjucture: Contradictions and Critique, Indonesia.
- August 2023, 'Roundtable on Labor', Labour and Independent Progressive Media in Asia and Beyond, Asian Labour Review, Jakarta, Indonesia.
- August 2023, 'Marx at the Arcade', SABER (Semana Aberta de Informática), Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Brazil, online.
- July 2023, Troublemakers’ Conference, Manchester.
- July 2023, 'Troublemaking Book launch' with Lydia Hughes, Working Class Movement Library, Salford.
- July 2023, 'Platform Work, class composition, and the global South: what are the risks and opportunities for workers?', New Technologies & The Futures of Work in the Global South, India International Centre, New Delhi.
- June 2023, 'Roundtable 5: Technology, work and activism', Establishing links between labour research and workers activism, 2nd Labour Transfer Summer School, Buggerru, Italy.
- June 2023, 'Roundtable 6: Building knowledge with workers', Establishing links between labour research and workers activism, 2nd Labour Transfer Summer School, Buggerru, Italy.
- June 2023, 'Struggles over the employment relationship in digitalised workplace: the emerging global picture in platform work', Keynote, Summer School: Digital Transformation Technical progress and its impact on workers, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, online.
- May 2023, Launch of Troublemaking: Why You Should Organize Your Workplace with Lydia Hughes in conversation with Gifford Hartman, Green Arcade, San Francisco.
- May 2023, Launch of Troublemaking: Why You Should Organize Your Workplace with Lydia Hughes, DSA Labor, San Francisco.
- May 2023, 'Closing plenary: What’s at stake?', Higher Education’s Labor Upsurge, UC Santa Cruz Center for Labor and Community.
- May 2023, 'Quantitative Analysis of the Video Games Industry', Researching the video game, Multiplay, University of Durham.
- April 2023, ‘App Delivery Workers, A Global Phenomenon’, Hospitality in a time of plague: the Brooklyn Waterfront’s Hospitality Industry During the Pandemic, Brooklyn Waterfront Research Centre and online.
- April 2023, ‘Understanding work through co-research and worker writing: learning from critical and workerist-inspired approaches to research’ Centre for Research on the Organization of Work and Consumption (CROWC), Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.
- April 2023, ‘The role of technology at work: labour process theory and class composition’, keynote, Historical Materialism Athens.
- April 2023, ‘Class Composition Project’, Historical Materialism Athens.
- April 2023, Launch of Troublemaking: Why You Should Organize Your Workplace with Lydia Hughes, ICA London.
- April 2023, ‘A critical comparison of labour process theory and class composition’, ILPC, Glasgow.
- March 2023, ‘Understanding the Videogames Industry’, guest lecture, Goldsmiths, University of London.
- March 2023, ‘Marxism and Videogames: class composition and worker organising in the games industry’ Powerplay, Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brazil.
- February 2023, 'How to win the 4-day work week at your workplace', 4 Day Week Campaign and Organiser Now!, online.
- February 2023, 'Keynote', Working in the Platform Economy: Public action and collective struggles in Canada and South Korea. Montreal and online.
- January 2023, Discussant for Clark McAllister's Karl Marx's Workers' Inquiry book launch, department of geography, University of Bologna.
- January 2023, 'Comparing Labour Process Theory and Class Composition', University of Padua.
- December 2022, 'Workers Inquiry + The Hologram: An introduction with Jamie Woodcock + Cassie Thornton', Berlin.
- December 2022, 'China’s Digital Economy & Labor', China, online.
- November 2022, 'Class Composition Project', Workers' Inquiry Stream, Historical Materialism Conference, London.
- October 2022, 'Game On! Unionising Videogame Workers in Australia, North America, Ireland and the UK', CRIMT, Montreal.
- October 2022, 'Proposal for an ILO Policy Observatory on Work in the Digital Economy', ILO, Geneva and online.
- October 2022, 'Workers' Inquiry and Class Composition', University of Newcastle, online.
- September 2022, 'Marx at the Arcade', book launch, Athens.
- September 2022, 'Organise Now!', Launch event, The World Transformed, Liverpool.
- July 2022, 'Checking the Orders: Seminar on International Research into Food Delivery Platform Work', organiser, Open University and online.
- July 2022, 'Genres Against Markets', participant, Berlin.
- June 2022, 'Creative Labour as Platform Work: Infrastructures and Interactions', Filodrammatica Gallery, Rijeka, Croatia.
- May 2022, 'Workers' Inquiry', UTAW (United Tech and Allied Workers), online.
- April 2022, 'Understanding platform worker organising: the case study of Deliveroo in the UK', ILPC, Padua, Italy.
- April 2022, co-organiser of stream: the digitalisation of work, the gig economy, and migrant Labour, ILPC, Padua, Italy.
- April 2022, 'Platform worker organising', CUNY Professional Staff Congress - International Committee Meeting, New York.
- March 2022, 'Screening of Ken Loach's film Sorry We Missed You, followed by a panel discussion on casualisation of labour in the UK', SOAS.
- February 2022, 'Understanding the gig economy', Momentum West London Political Education Economics (online).
- January 2022, 'The Fight Against Platform Capitalism', École d'innovation sociale Élisabeth-Bruyère Social Innovation School (online).
- December 2021, 'Presentation on Data and Democracy at Work', discussant, The Centre for Law at Work, University of Bristol and online.
- December 2021, 'Can there be leadership with machines?', keynote, the International Studying Leadership Conference 2021, The Open University and online.
- December 2021, 'Game Worker Solidarity: Organizing from the Screen to the Table', Haymarket Books, online.
- November 2021, 'Work & Labor', Guest Lecture, York University, online.
- November 2021, 'Employee Voice', Guest Lecture, LSE.
- November 2021, 'Feltrinelli Camp Next generation Labour', Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation, participant, Milan.
- November 2021, 'Notes from Below: Initial findings from the Class Composition Project', Historical Materialism, online.
- October 2021, 'Understanding the gig economy and platform work', 2021 Oregon IPS Annual Conference, online.
- October 2021, 'AI and Exploitation', Left Forum Society, Royal Holloway.
- October 2021, 'The struggle over artificial intelligence at work', Artificial intelligence and the Future of Work: Humans in Control, ILO, online.
- October 2021, 'The gig economy and its transformations of global labour relations' (keynote), New frontiers of digital inequality, University of Bern, Switzerland and online.
- September 2021, 'A Marxist account of “Destiny 2”: Using videogame production as a case study to explore changes in contemporary capitalism', ESA Conference, online.
- August 2021, 'Workers inquiry and platform work: understanding the dynamics of struggles in the gig economy', Radical Inquiry on Platform Labour, Historical Materialism East Asia, Hong Kong and online.
- July 2021, 'Round table: Platform work: What does it mean and what must be done?', Platform work - Finding new strategies to organise in Europe
Final International Conference of the Project Crowdwork in Lisbon and online. - July 2021, 'Guerrilla Democracy: Mobile Power and Revolution in the 21st Century' Book launch, The Open University and online.
- June 2021, 'Augmented Exploitation: Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Work', the Marxist Education Project, New York and online.
- June 2021, 'The IWGB and strategic litigation: using the law within the strategies and tactics of work organising', Labour, strategy, and the constitutional protection of work: on the potential effectiveness of legal mobilisation, University of Bristol Law School.
- June 2021, 'New Work, the Quality of Working Lives and Workers’
Well-being', Ethical Futures: Realities, responsibilities and resourcefulness, 2nd UK-German Frontiers of Humanities Symposium, online. - June 2021, '6D Feeding the Giant: Implications of Gig Labour for Urban Mobility', Urbanism Next, online.
- June 2021, 'Breakout: inclusion', The Future of Work and Artificial Intelligence, online.
- April 2021, 'Conclusion', Labour Unions and the Future of Work in the Game Industry, online.
- April 2021, 'Gig Workshop', Manchester Metropolitan University, online.
- April 2021, 'Gig economy organising', Media activism guest lecture, University of Amsterdam, online.
- April 2021, 'The Gig Economy', Kent People Before Profit, online.
- March 2021, 'Digital Workerism: tracing global workers' struggles against platforms', International Development and Innovation Seminar Series, Open University, online.
- March 2021, 'Trialectic – Can Technology be Moral?', Wonk Bridge, online.
- February 2021, 'Brazilian Delivery Platform Workers: class composition and migration of riders in the UK and Brazil', with Rafael Grohmann and Mateus Mendonça, Platform Work and Work at Amazon stream, RC44, IV ISA Forum of Sociology, Porto Alegre, Brazil, online.
- February 2021, Facing The Crisis: Unions in the Age of Covid, RCA UCU, online.
- February 2021, 'Global Struggles of the Gig Economy', Leicester Secular Society, online.
- February 2021, 'Video Games: A Marxist Perspective', UPLINK, Long Island Retro Gaming, online.
- February 2021, 'Working for the platform economy', EMN Reading seminar on Fluid Organisations, EM Normandie, online.
- February 2021, 'Play/Work: playbour and immaterial labour', Kings, London.
- February 2021, 'Uber and the Covid crisis', GERPISA, Paris and online.
- February 2021, 'Global Struggles of the Gig Economy' (Keynote), The Joys and Perils of Platform Work in Estonia, Estonia and online.
- February 2021, 'Marxism and videogames', Experimental Publishing master (XPUB) at the Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, Netherlands and online.
- February 2021, 'Oral evidence', House of Lords COVID-19 Committee, online.
- January 2021, 'The Class Composition Project', Notes from Below, online.
- January 2021, 'Politics, populism, and playstations', The Popular Show, online.
- November 2020, 'Crowdsourcing Wage Pledge', Not-Equal Award Showcase, Online.
- November 2020, 'Worker writing and class composition', Historical Materialism, online.
- October 2020, 'Note dalla pandemia: il lavoro tra salute e reddito', Django Social Center in Treviso and online. Report and video available here.
- October 2020, 'Digital Labour and Digital Workerism', Global China Social Research Hub Public Seminar Series, The University of Hong Kong, online.
- October 2020, 'The Work of Videogames: Reflections on Game Worker Organizing', Haymarket teach-in with Austin Kelmore and Emma Kinema, online. Video available here.
- September 2020, 'Socially distanced organising: new tools to fight back at work', The World Transformed, online.
- August 2020, 'Gig-Economy and the Law: Law School Policy Review', National Law School of India University, Bengaluru and online.
- July 2020, 'Network culture and creation as work', Guim Camps' Virtual Union of Mods project, English with Catalan and Spanish subtitles.
- June 2020, 'The Future of Workers - implementing learning and development solutions', CIPD Festival of Work, London and online.
- May 2020, 'Workers' Inquiry More Than Ever', Red May Seattle and online.
- May 2020, 'Digital Workerism', DigiLabour Conversations no 6, Brazil and online. Video available here.
- May 2020, 'Plexal live panel: the future of work', London and online.
- March 2020, 'PhD Workshop', University of Toronto.
- February 2020, 'Ludocapitalism', Manchester.
- February 2020, 'Play/Work: playbour and immaterial labour', Kings, London.
- February 2020, 'Voices of resistance in the gig economy', Cafe Diplo, London.
- December 2019, 'The rise of the gig economy and its impacts on the future of work', The gig economy and its implications for social dialogue and workers' protection: outcomes from a cross-national research project, Universite de Geneve.
- November 2019, 'The future of work in a digital economy: Managing change while putting people first’, Homes UK, ExCel London.
- November 2019, 'Game Workers Unite', Canterbury Christ Church University.
- November 2019, 'Money and debt', Sociology, University of Warwick.
- November 2019, 'Marx at the Arcade', Radical Book Fair, Edinburgh.
- November 2019, 'Workers' Inquiries in the UK', Historical Materialism, London.
- November 2019, 'Workers' Inquiry in practice', Historical Materialism, London.
- November 2019, 'Organising platform workers', Organising 2019, Innovations and Reflections, Ella Baker School of organising, London.
- October 2019, 'The Gig Economy, Future of Work, and Voice', LSE.
- October 2019, 'Informal work', Sociology, University of Warwick.
- October 2019, 'Platform Labour and Class Composition', Artificial Intelligence, Platforms, and Workers', University of Leicester.
- October 2019, 'Marx at the Arcade', Everybody's Reading Festival, Leicester.
- October 2019, 'Work on feeling', Sociology, University of Warwick.
- October 2019, 'The Rise of the Alt-Right: Fighting the fash online', LARAF, London.
- September 2019 'Anti-work from above and below: workerism, workers’ struggle, and the fight against work', Challenging the Work Society conference, Birkbeck, London.
- September 2019 'Why we strike', chair, The World Transformed, Brighton.
- September 2019 'Labour, technology, and the future of workers', The World Transformed, Brighton.
- September 2019, 'Setting the Scene - Defining the Future of Work', Keynote, Future of Work Festival: A Conference for HR & Organisational Development Professionals in the Housing Sector, Win-win: making the future of work productive and rewarding for employees and employers, County Hall, London
- September 2019, 'Automated decisions and profiles', Congreso Internacional: Sobre Automaizacion, Vigilancia y Control de los Trabajadores y Derechos Fundamentales, Valencia, Spain.
- September 2019, 'Delivering resistance in the gig economy: worker self-organisation at Uber and Deliveroo', Freelancers and diversity work in the UK screen industries, Institute for Screen Industry Research, University of Nottingham.
- August 2019, 'Marx at the Arcade', Book Launch, Fab Cafe, Manchester.
- August 2019, 'Marx at the Arcade: Videogames, Work, and Organising', European Sociological Association conference, Manchester.
- August 2019, 'Digital Workerism: Tracing the Recomposition of Workers’ Struggle in Digital Labour / Capitalism', plenary, European Sociological Association conference, Manchester
- August 2019, 'Marx at the Arcade', The World Transformed, Bristol.
- August 2019, 'Challenges and strategies for organising precarious workers', Open Society Foundation, London.
- August 2019, 'Tackling Right-wing dominance in eSports', Who are ya? Exploring art, identity and football, with Marijam Didžgalvytė, Tate Modern.
- July 2019, 'Marx at the Arcade', book launch, Housmans bookshop, London.
- July 2019, 'Workers of the World, Connect! Tech Innovations and Organizational Change for the Future of Work(ers)', Microsoft Research Faculty Summit, the future of work, Redmond, WA.
- July 2019, 'Game Workers: Individualisation and collectivism in the UK games industry', Develop, Brighton.
- June 2019, 'Gameplay auto/biographical and life writing', Indisciplinary Approaches to Digital Play symposium, Kings.
- June 2019, ',, and Videogames', Delivered the Same Day: The Post Office and, University of Coventry.
- May 2019, 'Marx at the Arcade', book launch, Waterstones Trafalgar Square, London.
- May 2019, 'Algorithm, Platform Design and Agency in Digital Work', Platform Work in Global Contexts, Royal Holloway, London.
- May 2019, 'Marx at the Arcade', book launch, Bread and Roses at the Chapel, London.
- May 2019, 'Toxic positivity: from the call centre to the university', University of Nottingham.
- May 2019, 'Marx at the Arcade', Historical Materialism, Athens.
- April 2019, 'Fairwork and artificial intelligence: making, faking, and breaking', ILPC, Vienna.
- April 2019, 'Marx at the Arcade', book launch, Historical Materialism, New York.
- April 2019, 'The Crisis and the Shopfloor: Class Composition in Britain', Historical Materialism, New York.
- April 2019, 'Technology and the future of work and workers', launch of Media Inequality and Change Centre, Philadelphia. Video available here
- April 2019, 'Marx at the Arcade', book launch, Red Emmas, Baltimore.
- April 2019, 'Marx at the Arcade', book launch, Bluestockings, New York.
- April 2019, 'Platform Work and the Fairwork Project Rankings', Data & Society, New York.
- March 2019, 'Fairwork', GEONET Conference, University of Johannesburg.
- March 2019, 'Guest Lecture', MSc Labour, Social Movements & Development, SOAS, London.
- March 2019, 'Future of Work', Guest Lecture, LSE, London.
- March 2019, 'Tech workers power', Unite, London.
- February 2019, 'Fairwork', ILO, Geneva.
- February 2019, 'Digital Labour', Guest Lecture, Royal Holloway, London.
- February 2019, Game Workers Unite Organiser Training, London.
- February 2019, Speaker, 'Monitored: Business and Surveillance in a Time of Big Data', book launch, Waterstones, London.
- January 2019, Speaker, Digital Leaders Salon, University of Liverpool, London campus.
- January 2019, 'The Fairwork Foundation', NotEqual launch, Digital Catapult, London.
- January 2019, 'The Fairwork Foundation', University of Cape Town.
- January 2019, 'The Fairwork Foundation: Strategies for Fairer Platform Work', Microsoft Research, Bangalore, India
- January 2019, 'The Fairwork Foundation: Strategies for Fairer Platform Work', with Mark Graham, Richard Heeks, and Jean-Paul VanBelle, ICTDX, Ahmedabad, India.
- December 2018, 'Platforms, Digital Labour, and the Future of Work', CITAPP Winter School, IIITB, Bangalore.
- November 2018, 'The Notes from Below Project and Technical, Social, and Political Composition', Historical Materialism conference, London.
- November 2018, organised the "workers' inquiry" stream with Notes from Below at Historical Materialism conference, London.
- November 2018, 'Voice in the gig economy', Guest lecture, LSE, London.
- October 2018, 'International Labor Organizing', DSA/TWC, San Francisco.
- October 2018, 'Organising Resistance in the Gig Economy', AIDC Solidarity Centre, Cape Town, South Africa.
- October 2018, 'platform work and artifical intelligence', Kritik Digitaler Arbeit, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Berlin.
- September 2018, 'Autour des luttes londoniennes dans la gig-économie' and 'Roundtable: The Contemporary Working Poor, A Global Overview', Le Travail Qui Rend Pauvre, 3eme Edition du Colloque Internaional Du Gireps, Universite de Montreal.
- September 2018, 'Gig Economy: Workers, platforms and the digital workplace', Algorithmic Management: Designing systems which promote human autonomy, WU Vienna.
- September 2018, 'gig economy and platform work', Work Employment and Society, Belfast.
- September 2018, 'The Fairwork Foundation: Strategies for platform work', Toward a Platform Urbanism Agenda for Urban Studies, University of Sheffield.
- August 2018, 'Evolving Technology: New forms of work', Europaeum Summer School, Helsinki, Finland.
- July 2018, 'The Fairwork Foundation: assessing and responding to the online gig economy', ILERA, South Korea.
- July 2018, 'What Do Unions Do, Today?: Unions’ Community and Societal Contributions and Questions of Their Future Sustainability', co-organiser and discussant, ILERA, South Korea.
- July 2018, 'Fairwork Foundation Stakeholder Meeting', Bangalore, India.
- July 2018, 'Fairwork Foundation Stakeholder Meeting', Johannesburg, South Africa.
- June 2018, 'Digitalisation and the new economy: disrupting production networks while tackling climate change? TUC/ETUI conference: The World(s) of Work in Transition, Brussels.
- June 2018, 'Fairwork Foundation: Strategies for online platform work', Fairtrade International Symposium, Portsmouth.
- June 2018, 'Could technology make politicians obsolete?', Labour Together, Parliament, London.
- June 2018, 'Platform capitalism and online gig work: the labour process, resistance, and organising', Work and employment in an era of platform capitalism, Dauphine Universite Paris.
- May 2018, 'Workshop', Playbour, Furtherfields commons, London.
- May 2018, Roundtable: Data Justice in the Workplace (co-organised by DATAJUSTICE and Data & Society), Data Justice Lab, Cardiff.
- May 2018, 'Future of work', sharelab, Nesta, London.
- May 2018, 'Automate this! Delivering resistance in the gig economy', Oxford.
- May 2018, 'Marx, the workers’ inquiry, and class composition today', Marx200, Berlin.
- May 2018, 'The Fairwork Foundation: strategies for online platform work', re:publica, Berlin.
- May 2018, 'Studying Deliveroo though online sources', Alan Turing Institute Workshops on Opportunities to Use Untapped Data to Support Social, Economic and Financial Inclusion, London.
- April 2018, 'The Future of Work', Ethical Careers Fair and Conference, SOAS, London.
- April 2018, 'Gig Economy: La Revolution de la Servitude', Solidarites Jeunes, Geneva.
- April 2018, 'Developing Principles for Fair Online Platform Work', UNCTAD E-Commerce Week, Geneva.
- April 2018, 'A.I, Technology and the Future of Work', Funzing, London.
- March 2018, 'Platform capitalism and online gig work: the labour process, resistance, and organising', International Labour Process Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- March 2018, 'The work of gaming, esports and Streaming', eSports: tendências e oportunidades, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- March 2018, 'The work of gaming, esports and Streaming', The 360, São Paulo, Brazil.
- March 2018, 'Understanding the Gig Economy', Undergraduate lecture, the University of Toronto, Canada.
- March 2018, 'The Fairwork Foundation: Strategies for Online Platform Work', Log Out! Resistance Within and Against Platform Labour, the University of Toronto, Canada.
- February, 2018, 'Twitch', Cybersalon, London.
- February 2018, 'Work', The Giants of 2020, Beveridge 2.0 Festival, LSE (winner of the debate by popular vote), video available here.
- February 2018, 'The Future of Work', Beveridge 2.0 Festival, LSE, recording available here.
- February 2018, 'Gaming // Marketing', Marketing Applications, University of Edinburgh Business School, Edinburgh.
- February 2018, Jennifer Walshe Sound Salon: Play, Labour and the Internet, Somerset House, London.
- January 2018, 'Digital Labour in the University: Understanding the Transformations of Academic Work in the UK', WIAS Workshop: Academic Labour, Digital Media and Capitalism, London.
- January 2018, 'Fairwork Foundation', Sharers and Workers, ETUI, Brussels.
- January 2018, 'Studying the workplace: the workers’ inquiry today', Edge Hill University.
- January 2018, "The Fairwork Foundation: Towards Fairer Work in the Digital Gig Economy", University of Oxford.
- December 2017, ‘Why Workers' Inquiry’, Mayday Rooms, London.
- November 2017, 'Working the Phones', Birmingham.
- November 2017, 'A Fairwork Foundation: towards a Fairer Work in the Digital Gig Economy', with Mark Graham, Work in the Digital Economy: Regulation and Conflicts, ENDL, University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- November 2017, 'Labour, Resistance, and Organisation in the Online Gig Economy', Historical Materialism Conference, London.
- November 2017, 'Power and Accountability in the Digital Economy', The Glass Room, London.
- November 2017, 'Fairwork', ETUC Autumn School, LSE.
- November 2017, 'Platforms' Digital Frontiers, Kingston University.
- September 2017, 'Contemporary Workers' Inquiry and Documenting Struggle', Mayday Rooms, London.
- September 2017, 'Working the Phones', Tender Networks, Bristol.
- September 2017, 'Deliveroo and the City: work, digital technology, and the urban environment', Urban Studies Seminar, University of Southampton.
- September 2017, '“Live Streamers” and the Public Mediation of Cultural Value', with Dr Mark R Johnson, Cultural Mediators in the Digital Age, Kings College London.
- August 2017, 'Labour, Professionalisation and Esports', The Future of Esports: Challenging Work and Gender Issues in Pro Gaming, Manchester.
- July 2017, 'Precarious Labour', Manchester International Festival.
- July 2017, 'Working the Phones', Internationalist Summer Meeting, Greece.
- July 2017, 'Towards a Fairer World of Work', ILO, Geneva.
- July 2017, 'Managing Play: The Management of Competitive and Professional Gaming', Critical Management Conference (CMS), Liverpool.
- June 2017, ‘Live Streaming,, and the Games Industry’, Multiplatform, Manchester.
- June 2017, 'Working the Phones: investigating control and resistance in the modern workplace', Public lecture LSE, London.
- June 2017, '"Oh my god, this is beautiful" - game-changing discourse and action in esports tournaments', with Dr Mark R Johnson, CAMEo, University of Leicester.
- June 2017, 'Understanding the 21st century workplace', Arcadia University, the College of Global Studies, London.
- June, 2017, 'Playing for profit: the lives and careers of professional video gamestreamers', with Dr Mark R Johnson, Canadian Games Studies Association (CGSA), Toronto.
- May 2017, 'Live-streamed performance and talk on Twitch', Capitalism, Marketing, and Critique, London.
- May 2017, 'Working the Phones', DIY Cultures, London.
- May 2017, 'Q&A on the Future of Work', Pulverised at the Arcola Theatre, London.
- May 2017, 'The new digital everyday of work: platforms and the algorithmic panopticon', Digital Everyday Conference, Kings College London.
- May 2017, '"It’s like the Gold Rush": The Lives and Careers of Professional Video Game Broadcasters', with Dr Mark R Johnson, DiGRA UK, Salford.
- April 2017, 'Inquiry today', Historical Materialism, New York.
- April 2017, Customer Service Agent, Cafe Oto, London.
- April 2017, 'A Changing World: Power Shifts in 2017 and Beyond', eSCon europe, the eSports conference, London.
- March 2017, 'Working the Phones', Book Launch, Connecting Research on Employment and Work, University of Warwick.
- March 2017, 'The Future of Video' Insight 17, London (invited talk).
- March 2017, 'a gathering of masters @IEM', Digital Jam Sessions (online talk available here).
- March 2017, 'Digital Labour', Oxford Radical Forum (invited talk).
- March 2017, 'Working the Phones', Ruskin College, Oxford (invited talk).
- February 2017, 'Understanding the Gig Economy: The problem of management at Deliveroo', Institute for Management Studies, Goldsmiths, London (invited talk).
- February 2017, launch of Euro Network on Digital Labor (ENDL), Paris (participant).
- February 2017, 'Working The Phones: Control and Resistance in Call Centers', book launch, Interference Archive and the MEP, New York City.
- February 2017, Session on Board Diversity & Workers on Boards, Corporate Governance Reform Workshop, LSE, London (invited participant).
- January 2017, UK Digital Economy Crucible 2017 Information Event, UCL, London (invited talk).
- January 2017, 'Work: The Digital Economy and the Labouring Body' at the Forum, LSE, London (invited talk) available here.
- January 2017, 'Deliver-who? An inquiry into the conditions of Deliveroo workers in London', Information Systems Seminar Series, LSE, London.
- November 2016, 'Working the Phones: Control and Resistance in Call Centres – Book launch', Waterstones, Trafalgar Square, London.
- November 2016, 'Deliver-who? An inquiry into the struggle of precarious workers at Deliveroo', ERHR Research Workshop, LSE, London.
- November 2016, 'Esports and Competitive Gaming in the UK: A Summary and Future Possibilities', Varsity Games launch: London University LIVE Esports, Gfinity Arena, London (invited talk)
- November 2016, 'The work of play: towards a Marxist analysis of video game production', ENCODE, University of Tromsø, Norway (invited lecture).
- November 2016, ‘Working the Phones: Control and Resistance in Call Centres (Wildcat Series) – Book launch’, Historical Materialism, London.
- November 2016, 'Professional Gaming Through the Ages: Poker, eSports, and the Work of Skilled Play', with Mark R Johnson, eSports and the Future of Sport, University of Salford
- October 2016, 'Procedural generation and the labour process: how we shape tools and they shape us', ProcJam, Falmouth University, UK (invited talk).
- October 2016, 'Understanding Digital Labour: Between Autonomy and Automation', Marx2016 conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
- September 2016, ‘Professional Gaming and eSports in the UK: Digital Labour and the Blurring of Work and Play’, Work, Employment & Society Conference, University of Leeds.
- August 2016, ‘The Relationships of Co-Creation: Software Modification on Steam’, DiGRA/FDG, Dundee.
- July 2016, ‘Crowdsourcing in Practice: the users view of micro tasking’, International Conference on Social Media & Society, London.
- June 2016, ‘Digital tools for workers' organisation: challenges and possibilities’, “I Will if You Will, Too”: Conditional Commitment in Collective Action, City University, London (invited talk).
- April 2016, ‘Disentangling value in a co-creating Organisation: exploring the tensions between paid professionals and users, Scientist and citizen scientists’, Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies, Viña del Mar, Chile.
- April 2016, ‘The online crowdsourcing of scientific research: the experience and motivation of users’, International Labour Process Conference, Berlin.
- November 2015, ‘Crowdsourcing: understanding the implications, from citizen science to microwork’, Historical Materialism, London.
- July 2015, ‘The practice of anti-work politics: what are the implications for organisation and strategy?’, Never Work Conference, Cardiff University.
- April 2015, Discussant for Sergio Bologna, ‘The origins, traits, and evolution of the freelance movement’, Marxism(s) in Social Movements, European University Institute, Florence (invited speaker).
- November 2014, ‘Possibilities for new workplace organisation: workers refusal and the challenges for trade unions’, Historical Materialism, London.
- October 2014, ‘Investigating the workplace: history and contemporary cases (call-centre-study)’, Laborious Actions: International forum on collective actions in the IT sphere, St Petersburg, Russia (invited talk).
- July 2014, ‘Precarious labour in the UK: the impact of neoliberalism and the possibilities for resistance and organisation’ and ‘Towards a method for activist-scholar research collaborations: taking inspiration from the tradition of the workers' inquiry’, International Sociological Association World Congress, Japan.
- April 2014, ‘Examining the labour process in a call centre: from bad jokes to the possibilities for resistance’, International Labour Process Conference, London.
- March 2014, ‘The workers’ inquiry as a method: possibilities for resistance and organisation in a UK call centre’, Critical Labour Studies Conference, Ruskin College, Oxford.
- February 2014, ‘Workers’ inquiry in a UK call centre: possibilities for resistance and organisation’, Geographies of resistance: neoliberal violence and crisis, University of Oxford.
- November 2013, ‘Between exploitation and resistance: towards a workers’ inquiry for the 21st century’, Historical Materialism, London.
- September 2013, ‘“Smiling down the phone”: a workers’ inquiry into call centre conditions’, Work, Employment & Society Conference, University of Warwick.
- May 2013, ‘A workers’ inquiry into a charity fundraising call centre’, Ephemera: the politics of workers’ inquiry, University of Essex.
- November 2012, ‘An attempt at a workers' inquiry in a call centre: possibilities of resistance, potential for organisation’, Historical Materialism, London.